


from gurobipy import Model, quicksum, GRB
#from mypulp import Model, quicksum, GRB
#from mindoptpy import Model, quicksum, Column
#from mindoptpy import MDO as GRB
import math
import networkx as nx


ここでは,巡回セールスマン問題に時間枠を追加した 時間枠付き巡回セールスマン問題(traveling salesman problem with time windows)を考える.

この問題は,特定の点 \(0\) を時刻 \(0\) に出発すると仮定し, 点間の移動距離 \(c_{ij}\) を移動時間とみなし, さらに点 \(i\) に対する出発時刻が最早時刻 \(e_i\) と最遅時刻 \(\ell_i\) の間でなければならないという制約を課した問題である. ただし,時刻 \(e_i\) より早く点 \(i\) に到着した場合には,点 \(i\) 上で時刻 \(e_i\) まで待つことができるものとする.



\(i\) を出発する時刻を表す変数 \(t_i\) を導入する. \(t_i\) は以下の制約を満たす必要がある. \[ e_i \leq t_i \leq \ell_i \ \ \ \forall i=1,2,\ldots,n \] ただし, \(e_1=0, \ell_1=\infty\) と仮定する.

\(i\) の次に点 \(j\) を訪問する \((x_{ij}=1)\) ときには, 点 \(j\) を出発する時刻 \(t_j\) は,点 \(i\) を出発する時刻に移動時間 \(c_{ij}\) を加えた値以上であることから, 以下の式を得る. \[  t_i + c_{ij} - M (1-x_{ij}) \leq t_j \ \ \ \forall i,j, j \neq 1, i \neq j \] ここで,\(M\) は大きな数を表す定数である. なお,移動時間 \(c_{ij}\) は正の数と仮定する.\(c_{ij}\)\(0\) だと \(t_i=t_j\) になる可能性があり, 部分巡回路ができてしまう.これを避けるためには,巡回セールスマン問題と同様の制約を付加する必要があるが, \(c_{ij}>0\) の仮定の下では,上の制約によって部分巡回路を除去することができる.

このような大きな数Big Mを含んだ定式化はあまり実用的ではないので,時間枠を用いて強化したものを示す.

\[ \begin{array}{lll} minimize & \sum_{i \neq j} c_{ij} x_{ij} & \\ s.t. & \sum_{j: j \neq i} x_{ij} = 1 & \forall i=1,2,\ldots,n \\ & \sum_{j: j \neq i} x_{ji} = 1 & \forall i=1,2,\ldots,n \\ & t_i + c_{ij} - [\ell_i +c_{ij}-e_j]^+ (1-x_{ij}) \leq t_j & \forall i,j,j \neq 1, i \neq j \\ & x_{ij} \in \{0,1\} & \forall i,j, i \neq j \\ & e_i \leq t_{i} \leq \ell_i & \forall i=1,2,\ldots,n \end{array} \]

巡回セールスマン問題のときと同様に,ポテンシャル制約と上下限制約は, 持ち上げ操作によってさらに以下のように強化できる.

\[ t_i + c_{ij} - [\ell_i +c_{ij}-e_j]^+ (1-x_{ij}) + [\ell_i-e_j+\min \{-c_{ji}, e_j-e_i\} ]^+ x_{ji} \leq t_j \ \ \ \forall i,j, j \neq1, i \neq j \]

\[ e_i + \sum_{j \neq i} [e_j+ c_{ji} -e_i]^{+} x_{ji} \leq t_i \ \ \ \forall i=2,\cdots,n \]

\[ t_i \leq \ell_i -\sum_{j \neq 1,i} [\ell_i -\ell_j+c_{ij}]^+ x_{ij} \ \ \ \forall i=2,\cdots,n \]

以下に,強化していない標準定式化 mtztw と強化した定式化 mtz2tw のコードを示す.

def mtztw(n, c, e, l):
    """mtzts: model for the traveling salesman problem with time windows
    (based on Miller-Tucker-Zemlin's one-index potential formulation)
        - n: number of nodes
        - c[i,j]: cost for traversing arc (i,j)
        - e[i]: earliest date for visiting node i
        - l[i]: latest date for visiting node i
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("tsptw - mtz")
    x, u, v = {}, {}, {}
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        u[i] = model.addVar(lb=e[i], ub=l[i], vtype="C", name="u(%s)" % i)
        v[i] = model.addVar(lb=0, ub=n - 1, vtype="C", name="v(%s)" % i)
        for j in range(1, n + 1):
            if i != j:
                x[i, j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

    for i in range(1, n + 1):
            quicksum(x[i, j] for j in range(1, n + 1) if j != i) == 1, "Out(%s)" % i
            quicksum(x[j, i] for j in range(1, n + 1) if j != i) == 1, "In(%s)" % i

    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        for j in range(2, n + 1):
            if i != j:
                M = max(l[i] + c[i, j] - e[j], 0)
                    u[i] - u[j] + M * x[i, j] <= M - c[i, j], "MTZ(%s,%s)" % (i, j)
                    v[i] - v[j] + (n - 1) * x[i, j] <= n - 2, "MTZorig(%s,%s)" % (i, j)

    model.setObjective(quicksum(c[i, j] * x[i, j] for (i, j) in x), GRB.MINIMIZE)

    model.__data = x, u
    return model

def mtz2tw(n, c, e, l):
    """mtz: model for the traveling salesman problem with time windows
    (based on Miller-Tucker-Zemlin's one-index potential formulation, stronger constraints)
        - n: number of nodes
        - c[i,j]: cost for traversing arc (i,j)
        - e[i]: earliest date for visiting node i
        - l[i]: latest date for visiting node i
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("tsptw - mtz-strong")
    x, u = {}, {}
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        u[i] = model.addVar(lb=e[i], ub=l[i], vtype="C", name="u(%s)" % i)
        for j in range(1, n + 1):
            if i != j:
                x[i, j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

    for i in range(1, n + 1):
            quicksum(x[i, j] for j in range(1, n + 1) if j != i) == 1, "Out(%s)" % i
            quicksum(x[j, i] for j in range(1, n + 1) if j != i) == 1, "In(%s)" % i

        for j in range(2, n + 1):
            if i != j:
                M1 = max(l[i] + c[i, j] - e[j], 0)
                M2 = max(l[i] + min(-c[j, i], e[j] - e[i]) - e[j], 0)
                    u[i] + c[i, j] - M1 * (1 - x[i, j]) + M2 * x[j, i] <= u[j],
                    "LiftedMTZ(%s,%s)" % (i, j),

    for i in range(2, n + 1):
            + quicksum(
                max(e[j] + c[j, i] - e[i], 0) * x[j, i]
                for j in range(1, n + 1)
                if i != j
            <= u[i],
            "LiftedLB(%s)" % i,

            <= l[i]
            - quicksum(
                max(l[i] - l[j] + c[i, j], 0) * x[i, j]
                for j in range(2, n + 1)
                if i != j
            "LiftedUB(%s)" % i,

    model.setObjective(quicksum(c[i, j] * x[i, j] for (i, j) in x), GRB.MINIMIZE)

    model.__data = x, u
    return model
# hide

def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    """distance: euclidean distance between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)"""
    return math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2)

def make_data(n, width):
    """make_data: compute matrix distance and time windows."""
    x = dict([(i, 100 * random.random()) for i in range(1, n + 1)])
    y = dict([(i, 100 * random.random()) for i in range(1, n + 1)])
    c = {}
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        for j in range(1, n + 1):
            if j != i:
                c[i, j] = distance(x[i], y[i], x[j], y[j])

    e = {1: 0}
    l = {1: 0}
    start = 0
    delta = int(76.0 * math.sqrt(n) / n * width) + 1
    for i in range(1, n):
        j = i + 1
        start += c[i, j]
        e[j] = max(start - delta, 0)
        l[j] = start + delta

    return c, x, y, e, l

# this formulation is too slow!
def tsptw2(n, c, e, l):
    """tsptw2: model for the traveling salesman problem with time windows
    (based on Miller-Tucker-Zemlin's formulation, two-index potential)
        - n: number of nodes
        - c[i,j]: cost for traversing arc (i,j)
        - e[i]: earliest date for visiting node i
        - l[i]: latest date for visiting node i
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("tsptw2")
    x, u = {}, {}
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        for j in range(1, n + 1):
            if i != j:
                x[i, j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)" % (i, j))
                u[i, j] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="u(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

    for i in range(1, n + 1):
            quicksum(x[i, j] for j in range(1, n + 1) if j != i) == 1, "Out(%s)" % i
            quicksum(x[j, i] for j in range(1, n + 1) if j != i) == 1, "In(%s)" % i

    for j in range(2, n + 1):
            quicksum(u[i, j] + c[i, j] * x[i, j] for i in range(1, n + 1) if i != j)
            - quicksum(u[j, k] for k in range(1, n + 1) if k != j)
            <= 0,
            "Relate(%s)" % j,

    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        for j in range(1, n + 1):
            if i != j:
                model.addConstr(e[i] * x[i, j] <= u[i, j], "LB(%s,%s)" % (i, j))
                model.addConstr(u[i, j] <= l[i] * x[i, j], "UB(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

    model.setObjective(quicksum(c[i, j] * x[i, j] for (i, j) in x), GRB.MINIMIZE)

    model.__data = x, u
    return model



  • 200点までの古典的なベンチマーク問題例: https://lopez-ibanez.eu/tsptw-instances
  • 400点までの新しいベンチマーク問題例: https://homepages.dcc.ufmg.br/~rfsilva/tsptw/#tools


import math
folder = "../data/tsptw/"
fn = "n60w20.001.txt"
#fn ="n200w20.002.txt"  #116s
# fn ="n100w40.002.txt"
# fn ="n100w60.002.txt"
#fn ="n250w400.001.txt"  #191s
#fn = "n350w100.001.txt" #5.84s 
#fn ="n400w500.005.txt"   #FEASIBLE 12843
#fn = "n400w100.001.txt" #19s
#fn = "n400w300.001.txt" #70s
#fn = "n400w400.001.txt"
#fn ="n200w40.001.txt"

f = open(folder + fn)
data = f.readlines()
x_, y_, early, late = [], [], [], []
for row in data:
        L = list(map(float, row.split()))
        if L[0] >= 900:
n = len(x_)
e, l = {}, {}
for i in range(n):
    e[i + 1] = int(early[i])
    l[i + 1] = int(late[i])
c = {}
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        c[i + 1, j + 1] = int(math.sqrt((x_[i] - x_[j]) ** 2 + (y_[i] - y_[j]) ** 2))
for i in range(1, n + 1):
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        for k in range(1, n + 1):
            c[i, j] = min(c[i, j], c[i, k] + c[k, j])



model = mtztw(n, c, e, l)
x, u = model.__data

sol = [i for (v, i) in sorted([(u[i].X, i) for i in u])]

print("Opt.value =", model.ObjVal, sol)


model = mtz2tw(n, c, e, l)
x, u = model.__data

sol = [i for (v, i) in sorted([(u[i].X, i) for i in u])]
print("Opt.value =", model.ObjVal, sol)
Gurobi Optimizer version 9.5.2 build v9.5.2rc0 (mac64[x86])
Thread count: 8 physical cores, 16 logical processors, using up to 16 threads
Optimize a model with 3842 rows, 3721 columns and 22227 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0x10540bf3
Variable types: 61 continuous, 3660 integer (3660 binary)
Coefficient statistics:
  Matrix range     [1e+00, 6e+02]
  Objective range  [1e+00, 6e+01]
  Bounds range     [1e+00, 6e+02]
  RHS range        [1e+00, 6e+02]
Presolve removed 2118 rows and 2215 columns
Presolve time: 0.05s
Presolved: 1724 rows, 1506 columns, 7938 nonzeros
Variable types: 57 continuous, 1449 integer (1449 binary)

Root relaxation: objective 5.361061e+02, 336 iterations, 0.01 seconds (0.01 work units)

    Nodes    |    Current Node    |     Objective Bounds      |     Work
 Expl Unexpl |  Obj  Depth IntInf | Incumbent    BestBd   Gap | It/Node Time

     0     0  536.10606    0   67          -  536.10606      -     -    0s
     0     0  541.00000    0   13          -  541.00000      -     -    0s
H    0     0                     553.0000000  541.00000  2.17%     -    0s
     0     0  541.00000    0   10  553.00000  541.00000  2.17%     -    0s
H    0     0                     552.0000000  541.00000  1.99%     -    0s
H    0     0                     551.0000000  541.00000  1.81%     -    0s
     0     0  541.00000    0    6  551.00000  541.00000  1.81%     -    0s
     0     0  541.00000    0   42  551.00000  541.00000  1.81%     -    0s
     0     0  541.00000    0   16  551.00000  541.00000  1.81%     -    0s
     0     0  541.05935    0   11  551.00000  541.05935  1.80%     -    0s
     0     0  541.05935    0   11  551.00000  541.05935  1.80%     -    0s
     0     0  541.37202    0   11  551.00000  541.37202  1.75%     -    0s
     0     0  541.42378    0   11  551.00000  541.42378  1.74%     -    0s
     0     0  541.76983    0   16  551.00000  541.76983  1.68%     -    0s
     0     0  541.78378    0   18  551.00000  541.78378  1.67%     -    0s
     0     0  542.14093    0   18  551.00000  542.14093  1.61%     -    0s
     0     0  542.21128    0   17  551.00000  542.21128  1.60%     -    0s
     0     0  542.22222    0   26  551.00000  542.22222  1.59%     -    0s
     0     0  542.22222    0   11  551.00000  542.22222  1.59%     -    0s
     0     0  542.22222    0   13  551.00000  542.22222  1.59%     -    0s
     0     0  542.22222    0   11  551.00000  542.22222  1.59%     -    0s
     0     0  542.22222    0   11  551.00000  542.22222  1.59%     -    0s
     0     0  542.22222    0   11  551.00000  542.22222  1.59%     -    0s
     0     0  542.22222    0   11  551.00000  542.22222  1.59%     -    0s
     0     0  542.22222    0   12  551.00000  542.22222  1.59%     -    0s
     0     0  542.50824    0   11  551.00000  542.50824  1.54%     -    0s
     0     0  542.50824    0   10  551.00000  542.50824  1.54%     -    0s
     0     2  542.50824    0   10  551.00000  542.50824  1.54%     -    0s

Cutting planes:
  Learned: 5
  Gomory: 5
  Cover: 2
  MIR: 4
  StrongCG: 2
  GUB cover: 2
  Zero half: 5
  RLT: 3
  Relax-and-lift: 3

Explored 348 nodes (3140 simplex iterations) in 0.48 seconds (0.26 work units)
Thread count was 16 (of 16 available processors)

Solution count 3: 551 552 553 

Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective 5.510000000000e+02, best bound 5.510000000000e+02, gap 0.0000%
Opt.value = 551.0 [1, 7, 13, 39, 49, 10, 16, 52, 35, 57, 18, 20, 43, 59, 23, 33, 60, 8, 26, 14, 5, 53, 6, 45, 51, 31, 48, 19, 47, 32, 17, 24, 22, 3, 29, 42, 11, 30, 12, 28, 40, 44, 46, 36, 27, 9, 58, 4, 34, 55, 2, 25, 50, 38, 21, 37, 56, 15, 41, 61, 54]
G = nx.Graph()
for idx, i in enumerate(sol[:-1]):
    G.add_edge(i, sol[idx + 1])
pos = {i: (x_[i-1], y_[i-1]) for i in range(1,n+1)}
nx.draw(G, pos=pos, node_size=1000 / n + 10, with_labels=False, node_color="blue");



巡回路に含まれる枝 \((i,j)\) を論理変数 \(x_{ij}\) で表し,各点 \(i\) への到着時刻を整数変数 \(u_i\) で表す.

cp-satでは, 変数 \(x\) が巡回路になっていることを表現するための閉路制約が準備されている. モデルインスタンスのAddCircuitメソッドで制約を定義する.引数は, 枝の始点 \(i\) ,終点 \(j\), 論理変数 \(x_{ij}\) 3つ組(タプル)のリストである. 巡回路に含まれない点 \(i\) に対しては, 自己閉路を表す \(x_{ii}\) がTrueになる.

到着時刻を表す変数 \(u\) と枝変数 \(x\) を繋ぐためには,論理制約を使うことができる. これは,モデルに線形制約をAddメソッドで追加する際に, 追加した時間差を表す制約式の後にOnlyEnforceIfメソッドを付加することによって定義される. OnlyEnforceIfメソッドの引数は論理変数であり,この場合には\(x_{ij}\)となる. つまり, \(x_{ij}\) がTrueのときに \(u_i+c_{ij} \leq u_j\) が付加されることになる.

from ortools.sat.python import cp_model

model = cp_model.CpModel()
x, u = {}, {}
for i in range(1, n + 1):
    u[i] = model.NewIntVar(lb=e[i], ub=l[i], name=f"u({i})")
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        if i != j:
            x[i, j] = model.NewBoolVar(name=f"x({i},{j})")
circuit = [(i,j,x_) for (i, j), x_ in x.items()]
model.AddCircuit(circuit) #枝集合が閉路になっている制約を表す

model.Add(u[1] == 0)  # fix the root node to depth 0
for i in range(1, n + 1):
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        if i != j: 
            if j != 1:  # The root node is special.
                model.Add(u[i] + c[i,j] <= u[j]).OnlyEnforceIf(x[i, j])

model.Minimize(sum(c[i,j] * x_ for (i,j), x_ in x.items()))

solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
#solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = 10
solver.parameters.log_search_progress = True
status = solver.Solve(model)
print("status", solver.StatusName(status))

Starting CP-SAT solver v9.9.3963
Parameters: log_search_progress: true
Setting number of workers to 12

Initial optimization model '': (model_fingerprint: 0x4d053609fffe6e2f)
#Variables: 3'721 (#bools: 3'660 in objective)
  - 3'660 Booleans in [0,1]
  - 1 in [0,23]
  - 1 in [0,27]
  - 1 in [0,601]
  - 1 in [4,31]
  - 1 in [7,43]
  - 1 in [11,18]
  - 1 in [16,36]
  - 1 in [23,48]
  - 1 in [24,38]
  - 1 in [26,47]
  - 1 in [30,51]
  - 1 in [32,41]
  - 1 in [52,77]
  - 1 in [67,70]
  - 1 in [68,101]
  - 1 in [71,90]
  - 1 in [73,85]
  - 1 in [79,104]
  - 1 in [105,131]
  - 1 in [107,112]
  - 1 in [118,141]
  - 1 in [140,146]
  - 1 in [148,160]
  - 1 in [156,180]
  - 1 in [164,177]
  - 1 in [180,199]
  - 1 in [185,203]
  - 1 in [193,215]
  - 1 in [195,213]
  - 1 in [200,214]
  - 1 in [207,237]
  - 1 in [211,227]
  - 1 in [222,248]
  - 1 in [227,248]
  - 1 in [234,245]
  - 1 in [237,260]
  - 1 in [238,257]
  - 1 in [251,278]
  - 1 in [258,261]
  - 1 in [263,284]
  - 1 in [273,300]
  - 1 in [291,308]
  - 1 in [309,322]
  - 1 in [314,340]
  - 1 in [318,334]
  - 1 in [327,338]
  - 1 in [327,360]
  - 1 in [333,365]
  - 1 in [350,361]
  - 1 in [360,368]
  - 1 in [371,376]
  - 1 in [387,405]
  - 1 in [395,410]
  - 1 in [401,421]
  - 1 in [405,420]
  - 1 in [435,444]
  - 1 in [452,481]
  - 1 in [473,509]
  - 1 in [525,541]
  - 1 in [552,583]
  - 1 in [559,583]
#kCircuit: 1
#kLinear1: 1
#kLinear2: 3'600 (#enforced: 3'600)

Starting presolve at 0.00s
  9.33e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  3.43e-03s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=6 #num_dual_strengthening=5 
  8.00e-06s  0.00e+00d  [ExtractEncodingFromLinear] 
  1.11e-02s  1.73e-02d  [Probe] #probed=3'549 #fixed_bools=365 #new_bounds=5 #equiv=3 #new_binary_clauses=321 
  1.10e-05s  0.00e+00d  [MaxClique] 
  7.02e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  1.67e-03s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=3 #num_dual_strengthening=1 
  3.90e-05s  0.00e+00d  [ProcessAtMostOneAndLinear] 
  3.53e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDuplicateConstraints] 
  1.50e-05s  1.80e-08d  [DetectDominatedLinearConstraints] #relevant_constraints=3 
  2.10e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDifferentVariables] #different=4 
  1.00e-05s  0.00e+00d  [ProcessSetPPC] 
  9.00e-06s  0.00e+00d  [FindAlmostIdenticalLinearConstraints] 
  6.20e-05s  2.60e-06d  [FindBigAtMostOneAndLinearOverlap] 
  6.00e-05s  3.60e-05d  [FindBigVerticalLinearOverlap] 
  7.00e-06s  0.00e+00d  [FindBigHorizontalLinearOverlap] 
  3.20e-04s  0.00e+00d  [MergeClauses] 
  4.38e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  8.74e-04s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=1 #num_dual_strengthening=1 
  6.82e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  1.15e-03s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=1 #num_dual_strengthening=1 
[SAT presolve] num removable Booleans: 0 / 1595
[SAT presolve] num trivial clauses: 0
[SAT presolve] [0s] clauses:65 literals:130 vars:130 one_side_vars:130 simple_definition:0 singleton_clauses:0
[SAT presolve] [9e-06s] clauses:65 literals:130 vars:130 one_side_vars:130 simple_definition:0 singleton_clauses:0
[SAT presolve] [4.8e-05s] clauses:65 literals:130 vars:130 one_side_vars:130 simple_definition:0 singleton_clauses:0
  9.12e-03s  1.42e-02d  [Probe] #probed=3'055 #fixed_bools=189 #new_bounds=3 #equiv=3 #new_binary_clauses=196 
  1.51e-04s  0.00e+00d  [MaxClique] Merged 65(130 literals) into 63(242 literals) at_most_ones. 
  7.03e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  1.45e-03s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=3 #num_dual_strengthening=1 
  7.00e-05s  0.00e+00d  [ProcessAtMostOneAndLinear] 
  3.44e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDuplicateConstraints] 
  3.25e-04s  2.40e-08d  [DetectDominatedLinearConstraints] #relevant_constraints=4 
  2.10e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDifferentVariables] #different=7 
  4.10e-05s  7.16e-07d  [ProcessSetPPC] #relevant_constraints=59 
  3.22e-04s  0.00e+00d  [FindAlmostIdenticalLinearConstraints] 
  8.00e-05s  2.30e-05d  [FindBigAtMostOneAndLinearOverlap] 
  6.00e-05s  3.49e-05d  [FindBigVerticalLinearOverlap] 
  7.00e-06s  0.00e+00d  [FindBigHorizontalLinearOverlap] 
  9.00e-06s  0.00e+00d  [MergeClauses] 
  6.87e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  1.11e-03s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=1 #num_dual_strengthening=1 
  3.71e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  7.80e-04s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=1 #num_dual_strengthening=1 
[SAT presolve] num removable Booleans: 0 / 1404
[SAT presolve] num trivial clauses: 0
[SAT presolve] [0s] clauses:61 literals:122 vars:122 one_side_vars:122 simple_definition:0 singleton_clauses:0
[SAT presolve] [8e-06s] clauses:61 literals:122 vars:122 one_side_vars:122 simple_definition:0 singleton_clauses:0
[SAT presolve] [4.6e-05s] clauses:61 literals:122 vars:122 one_side_vars:122 simple_definition:0 singleton_clauses:0
  7.63e-03s  1.10e-02d  [Probe] #probed=2'607 #fixed_bools=151 #equiv=4 #new_binary_clauses=118 
  1.57e-04s  0.00e+00d  [MaxClique] Merged 112(340 literals) into 59(234 literals) at_most_ones. 
  3.91e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  8.97e-04s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=1 #num_dual_strengthening=1 
  6.20e-05s  0.00e+00d  [ProcessAtMostOneAndLinear] 
  3.20e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDuplicateConstraints] 
  3.29e-04s  2.40e-08d  [DetectDominatedLinearConstraints] #relevant_constraints=4 
  2.05e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDifferentVariables] #different=7 
  3.80e-05s  7.16e-07d  [ProcessSetPPC] #relevant_constraints=59 
  3.28e-04s  0.00e+00d  [FindAlmostIdenticalLinearConstraints] 
  7.90e-05s  2.29e-05d  [FindBigAtMostOneAndLinearOverlap] 
  6.20e-05s  3.32e-05d  [FindBigVerticalLinearOverlap] 
  7.00e-06s  0.00e+00d  [FindBigHorizontalLinearOverlap] 
  8.00e-06s  0.00e+00d  [MergeClauses] 
  7.09e-04s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  1.14e-03s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=1 #num_dual_strengthening=1 
  1.79e-04s  0.00e+00d  [ExpandObjective] 

Presolve summary:
  - 13 affine relations were detected.
  - rule 'TODO dual: add implied bound' was applied 146 times.
  - rule 'TODO dual: only one blocking constraint?' was applied 21'296 times.
  - rule 'TODO dual: only one blocking enforced constraint?' was applied 146 times.
  - rule 'TODO dual: only one unspecified blocking constraint?' was applied 6 times.
  - rule 'affine: new relation' was applied 13 times.
  - rule 'at_most_one: removed literals' was applied 2 times.
  - rule 'at_most_one: size one' was applied 2 times.
  - rule 'at_most_one: transformed into max clique.' was applied 2 times.
  - rule 'bool_or: only one literal' was applied 1'697 times.
  - rule 'circuit: degree 2' was applied 3 times.
  - rule 'circuit: removed false arcs.' was applied 4 times.
  - rule 'deductions: 268 stored' was applied 1 time.
  - rule 'dual: reduced domain' was applied 27 times.
  - rule 'enforcement: false literal' was applied 11 times.
  - rule 'enforcement: true literal' was applied 4 times.
  - rule 'incompatible linear: add implication' was applied 194 times.
  - rule 'linear2: implied ax + by = cte has only one solution' was applied 5 times.
  - rule 'linear: always true' was applied 1'629 times.
  - rule 'linear: empty' was applied 1 time.
  - rule 'linear: fixed or dup variables' was applied 61 times.
  - rule 'linear: reduced variable domains' was applied 1 time.
  - rule 'linear: simplified rhs' was applied 387 times.
  - rule 'objective: variable not used elsewhere' was applied 2'398 times.
  - rule 'presolve: 2399 unused variables removed.' was applied 1 time.
  - rule 'presolve: iteration' was applied 3 times.
  - rule 'variables: detect half reified value encoding' was applied 10 times.

Presolved optimization model '': (model_fingerprint: 0xd9b43925f5d11727)
#Variables: 1'306 (#bools: 1'245 in objective)
  - 1'245 Booleans in [0,1]
  - 1 in [4,31]
  - 1 in [5,23]
  - 1 in [6,27]
  - 1 in [11,18]
  - 1 in [14,43]
  - 1 in [16,36]
  - 1 in [23,48]
  - 1 in [24,38]
  - 1 in [26,47]
  - 1 in [30,51]
  - 1 in [32,41]
  - 1 in [55,61]
  - 1 in [67,70]
  - 1 in [68,101]
  - 1 in [71,90]
  - 1 in [73,85]
  - 1 in [79,104]
  - 1 in [109,112]
  - 1 in [118,121]
  - 1 in [135,138]
  - 1 in [141,144]
  - 1 in [148,151]
  - 1 in [157,180]
  - 1 in [164,177]
  - 1 in [180,188]
  - 1 in [189,203]
  - 1 in [193,215]
  - 1 in [195,213]
  - 1 in [200,214]
  - 1 in [207,237]
  - 1 in [211,227]
  - 1 in [222,248]
  - 1 in [227,248]
  - 1 in [234,245]
  - 1 in [237,260]
  - 1 in [238,257]
  - 1 in [251,278]
  - 1 in [258,261]
  - 1 in [263,284]
  - 1 in [284,296]
  - 1 in [297,308]
  - 1 in [309,322]
  - 1 in [314,340]
  - 1 in [318,334]
  - 1 in [327,338]
  - 1 in [327,360]
  - 1 in [333,365]
  - 1 in [350,361]
  - 1 in [362,367]
  - 1 in [371,376]
  - 1 in [389,405]
  - 1 in [395,410]
  - 1 in [402,409][415,421]
  - 1 in [405,419]
  - 1 in [441,444]
  - 1 in [467,470]
  - 1 in [488,491]
  - 1 in [525,528]
  - 1 in [561,583]
  - 1 in [568,583]
  - 1 constants in {1} 
#kAtMostOne: 51 (#literals: 218)
#kBoolAnd: 69 (#enforced: 69) (#literals: 138)
#kCircuit: 1
#kLinear1: 8 (#enforced: 8)
#kLinear2: 260 (#enforced: 256)

Preloading model.
#Bound   0.05s best:inf   next:[212,29336] initial_domain
#Model   0.05s var:1305/1306 constraints:389/389

Starting search at 0.05s with 12 workers.
8 full problem subsolvers: [core, default_lp, max_lp, no_lp, pseudo_costs, quick_restart, quick_restart_no_lp, reduced_costs]
3 first solution subsolvers: [fj_long_default, fj_short_default, fs_random]
11 incomplete subsolvers: [feasibility_pump, graph_arc_lns, graph_cst_lns, graph_dec_lns, graph_var_lns, rins/rens, rnd_cst_lns, rnd_var_lns, routing_path_lns, routing_random_lns, violation_ls]
3 helper subsolvers: [neighborhood_helper, synchronization_agent, update_gap_integral]
#Bound   0.06s best:inf   next:[212,27763] core (initial_propagation)
#Bound   0.06s best:inf   next:[520,27763] quick_restart (initial_propagation)
#Bound   0.06s best:inf   next:[541,27763] max_lp
#Model   0.07s var:1217/1306 constraints:383/389
#1       0.07s best:552   next:[541,551]  default_lp (fixed_bools=90/1273)
#Bound   0.07s best:552   next:[542,551]  max_lp
#Model   0.07s var:630/1306 constraints:380/389
#Bound   0.08s best:552   next:[543,551]  max_lp
#Model   0.09s var:628/1306 constraints:380/389
#Model   0.09s var:619/1306 constraints:375/389
#Model   0.10s var:506/1306 constraints:358/389
#Bound   0.11s best:552   next:[544,551]  pseudo_costs
#2       0.11s best:551   next:[544,550]  default_lp (fixed_bools=1009/1278)
#Model   0.11s var:274/1306 constraints:311/389
#Model   0.11s var:269/1306 constraints:308/389
#Model   0.11s var:249/1306 constraints:291/389
#Model   0.12s var:244/1306 constraints:284/389
#Done    0.12s default_lp
#Done    0.12s quick_restart_no_lp
#Model   0.12s var:227/1306 constraints:261/389
#Model   0.12s var:213/1306 constraints:246/389
#Done    0.12s max_lp

Task timing                      n [     min,      max]      avg      dev     time         n [     min,      max]      avg      dev    dtime
                 'core':         1 [ 70.68ms,  70.68ms]  70.68ms   0.00ns  70.68ms         1 [101.86ms, 101.86ms] 101.86ms   0.00ns 101.86ms
           'default_lp':         1 [ 70.14ms,  70.14ms]  70.14ms   0.00ns  70.14ms         1 [ 43.82ms,  43.82ms]  43.82ms   0.00ns  43.82ms
     'feasibility_pump':         3 [  1.42ms,  10.03ms]   4.96ms   3.67ms  14.89ms         2 [  1.51ms,   4.99ms]   3.25ms   1.74ms   6.50ms
      'fj_long_default':         1 [ 17.44ms,  17.44ms]  17.44ms   0.00ns  17.44ms         1 [  6.99ms,   6.99ms]   6.99ms   0.00ns   6.99ms
     'fj_short_default':         1 [ 70.30ms,  70.30ms]  70.30ms   0.00ns  70.30ms         1 [  1.54ms,   1.54ms]   1.54ms   0.00ns   1.54ms
            'fs_random':         1 [ 16.62ms,  16.62ms]  16.62ms   0.00ns  16.62ms         1 [ 23.23us,  23.23us]  23.23us   0.00ns  23.23us
        'graph_arc_lns':         2 [  1.76ms,  11.16ms]   6.46ms   4.70ms  12.92ms         1 [351.78us, 351.78us] 351.78us   0.00ns 351.78us
        'graph_cst_lns':         2 [  6.52ms,   9.43ms]   7.97ms   1.45ms  15.95ms         2 [517.00ns,   1.49ms] 743.03us 742.52us   1.49ms
        'graph_dec_lns':         2 [  5.75ms,  15.99ms]  10.87ms   5.12ms  21.74ms         2 [489.00ns,  65.19us]  32.84us  32.35us  65.68us
        'graph_var_lns':         2 [  1.42ms,   2.74ms]   2.08ms 661.00us   4.16ms         1 [ 10.00ns,  10.00ns]  10.00ns   0.00ns  10.00ns
               'max_lp':         1 [ 71.99ms,  71.99ms]  71.99ms   0.00ns  71.99ms         1 [  5.54ms,   5.54ms]   5.54ms   0.00ns   5.54ms
                'no_lp':         1 [ 70.28ms,  70.28ms]  70.28ms   0.00ns  70.28ms         1 [ 80.49ms,  80.49ms]  80.49ms   0.00ns  80.49ms
         'pseudo_costs':         1 [ 70.89ms,  70.89ms]  70.89ms   0.00ns  70.89ms         1 [  7.27ms,   7.27ms]   7.27ms   0.00ns   7.27ms
        'quick_restart':         1 [ 70.30ms,  70.30ms]  70.30ms   0.00ns  70.30ms         1 [ 36.38ms,  36.38ms]  36.38ms   0.00ns  36.38ms
  'quick_restart_no_lp':         1 [ 70.10ms,  70.10ms]  70.10ms   0.00ns  70.10ms         1 [ 75.31ms,  75.31ms]  75.31ms   0.00ns  75.31ms
        'reduced_costs':         1 [ 71.34ms,  71.34ms]  71.34ms   0.00ns  71.34ms         1 [  6.36ms,   6.36ms]   6.36ms   0.00ns   6.36ms
            'rins/rens':         2 [  1.32ms,   5.03ms]   3.17ms   1.86ms   6.35ms         1 [196.00us, 196.00us] 196.00us   0.00ns 196.00us
          'rnd_cst_lns':         2 [  3.79ms,  11.88ms]   7.83ms   4.04ms  15.66ms         2 [ 53.27us, 247.75us] 150.51us  97.24us 301.02us
          'rnd_var_lns':         2 [  1.71ms,   3.34ms]   2.53ms 813.00us   5.05ms         2 [  3.09us,  41.30us]  22.19us  19.10us  44.39us
     'routing_path_lns':         1 [  7.44ms,   7.44ms]   7.44ms   0.00ns   7.44ms         1 [421.15us, 421.15us] 421.15us   0.00ns 421.15us
   'routing_random_lns':         1 [ 11.39ms,  11.39ms]  11.39ms   0.00ns  11.39ms         1 [187.80us, 187.80us] 187.80us   0.00ns 187.80us
         'violation_ls':         1 [ 49.23ms,  49.23ms]  49.23ms   0.00ns  49.23ms         1 [  4.26ms,   4.26ms]   4.26ms   0.00ns   4.26ms

Search stats              Bools  Conflicts  Branches  Restarts  BoolPropag  IntegerPropag
                 'core':  1'269      2'631    18'331     4'354     567'096        502'679
           'default_lp':  1'278        311    13'818     3'885     165'677        290'418
            'fs_random':  1'255         84     2'422     2'422      92'129         81'230
               'max_lp':  1'255         84     2'422     2'422      92'129         81'233
                'no_lp':  1'255      2'071    32'869     5'061     392'175        497'149
         'pseudo_costs':  1'255         84     2'422     2'422      93'109         83'178
        'quick_restart':  1'300        172    13'949     3'851     150'297        262'154
  'quick_restart_no_lp':  1'296      1'195    39'989     5'195     394'293        516'619
        'reduced_costs':  1'255         84     2'422     2'422      93'107         83'200

SAT stats                 ClassicMinim  LitRemoved  LitLearned  LitForgotten  Subsumed  MClauses  MDecisions  MLitTrue  MSubsumed  MLitRemoved  MReused
                 'core':         2'153      31'058      42'280             0        52       718       9'933        34        462        4'274       42
           'default_lp':           184       1'400       2'746             0         8       203       9'520         0          3           18        0
            'fs_random':             0           0          84             0         0         0           0         0          0            0        0
               'max_lp':             0           0          84             0         0         0           0         0          0            0        0
                'no_lp':         1'673      17'082      37'496             0        24       212      23'779         0          8           99        4
         'pseudo_costs':             0           0          84             0         0         0           0         0          0            0        0
        'quick_restart':            62         326         894             0         0       196       8'865         0          0            0        1
  'quick_restart_no_lp':           773       8'570      25'182             0        15       217      24'722         0         10          168       10
        'reduced_costs':             0           0          84             0         0         0           0         0          0            0        0

Lp stats            Component  Iterations  AddedCuts  OPTIMAL  DUAL_F.  DUAL_U.
     'default_lp':          3         824         24      345        0        2
      'fs_random':          3          94          0        6        0        0
         'max_lp':          1         271        401        9        0        0
   'pseudo_costs':          1         371        446       19        0        0
  'quick_restart':          3         520         23      262        0        4
  'reduced_costs':          1         352        523       19        0        0

Lp dimension                                                          Final dimension of first component
     'default_lp':     91 rows, 1238 columns, 242 entries with magnitude in [1.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00]
      'fs_random':   103 rows, 1238 columns, 2337 entries with magnitude in [1.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00]
         'max_lp':  627 rows, 1310 columns, 23337 entries with magnitude in [4.168404e-04, 1.000000e+00]
   'pseudo_costs':   429 rows, 1310 columns, 5280 entries with magnitude in [2.436688e-05, 1.000000e+00]
  'quick_restart':     95 rows, 1238 columns, 395 entries with magnitude in [1.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00]
  'reduced_costs':   465 rows, 1310 columns, 5768 entries with magnitude in [1.902083e-04, 1.000000e+00]

Lp debug            CutPropag  CutEqPropag  Adjust  Overflow    Bad  BadScaling
     'default_lp':          0            0     198         0    193           0
      'fs_random':          0            0       2         0      0           0
         'max_lp':          0           30       9         0  1'913           0
   'pseudo_costs':          0            5      16         0  2'854           0
  'quick_restart':          0            0     150         0    189           0
  'reduced_costs':          0            1      16         0  2'500           0

Lp pool             Constraints  Updates  Simplif  Merged  Shortened  Split  Strenghtened  Cuts/Call
     'default_lp':          177       90      755     100        639      0             0      24/98
      'fs_random':          153        0        0     100         95      0             0        0/0
         'max_lp':          823       48        4     100        100      0           385    401/716
   'pseudo_costs':          868      200      991     100        964      5           140    446/913
  'quick_restart':          176      124      926     100        745      0             0     23/100
  'reduced_costs':          945      185    1'451     100      1'298      3           131    523/938

Lp Cut           default_lp  max_lp  quick_restart  reduced_costs  pseudo_costs
         CG_FF:          16      57             15             50            40
          CG_K:           -      26              -             24             -
         CG_KL:           -       1              -              -             -
          CG_R:           -      75              -             70            62
         CG_RB:           -      75              -            154           122
        CG_RBP:           -       9              -             18             5
       Circuit:           -       3              -             14            14
  CircuitExact:           -       -              -              -             1
        Clique:           -       -              -              1             2
            IB:           -      27              -             57            59
      MIR_1_FF:           -      12              -             16            12
       MIR_1_K:           -       5              -              4             4
       MIR_1_R:           -       2              -              3             3
      MIR_1_RB:           -       9              -             18             7
     MIR_1_RBP:           -       -              -              2             2
      MIR_2_FF:           -       5              -              2             5
       MIR_2_K:           -       1              -              1             3
       MIR_2_R:           -       9              -              4             5
      MIR_2_RB:           -       5              -              3             3
     MIR_2_RBP:           -       3              -              -             1
      MIR_3_FF:           -       2              -              4             4
       MIR_3_K:           -       1              -              1             1
       MIR_3_R:           -       7              -              -             3
      MIR_3_RB:           -       2              -              4             4
     MIR_3_RBP:           -       6              -              -             1
      MIR_4_FF:           -       1              -              2             5
       MIR_4_K:           -       1              -              -             -
       MIR_4_R:           -       1              -              -             2
      MIR_4_RB:           -       3              -              2             1
     MIR_4_RBP:           -       2              -              -             -
      MIR_5_FF:           3       7              6             11            10
       MIR_5_K:           -       1              -              1             1
       MIR_5_R:           -       3              -              1             1
      MIR_5_RB:           -       5              -              2             -
     MIR_5_RBP:           -       1              -              -             -
      MIR_6_FF:           -       3              -              5             4
       MIR_6_R:           -       2              -              -             1
      MIR_6_RB:           -       1              -              3             2
  ZERO_HALF_FF:           5       9              2             10            13
   ZERO_HALF_K:           -       1              -              -             -
   ZERO_HALF_R:           -      14              -             23            29
  ZERO_HALF_RB:           -       4              -             13            14

LNS stats                Improv/Calls  Closed  Difficulty  TimeLimit
       'graph_arc_lns':           1/2    100%        0.81       0.10
       'graph_cst_lns':           1/2     50%        0.54       0.10
       'graph_dec_lns':           1/2     50%        0.54       0.10
       'graph_var_lns':           1/2    100%        0.81       0.10
           'rins/rens':           2/2    100%        0.81       0.10
         'rnd_cst_lns':           0/2    100%        0.81       0.10
         'rnd_var_lns':           0/2    100%        0.81       0.10
    'routing_path_lns':           0/1    100%        0.71       0.10
  'routing_random_lns':           0/1    100%        0.71       0.10

LS stats               Batches  Restarts  LinMoves  GenMoves  CompoundMoves  WeightUpdates
   'fj_long_default':        1         1     9'511         0              0            489
  'fj_short_default':        1         1         0       653            157              0
      'violation_ls':        1         0         0       265              1              1

Solutions (2)    Num   Rank
  'default_lp':    2  [1,2]

Objective bounds     Num
            'core':    1
  'initial_domain':    1
          'max_lp':    3
    'pseudo_costs':    1
   'quick_restart':    1

Solution repositories    Added  Queried  Ignored  Synchro
  'feasible solutions':     14       29        0       11
        'lp solutions':      0        0        0        0
                'pump':      2        2

Improving bounds shared    Num
                  'core':  143
            'default_lp':  612
                 'no_lp':   18
          'pseudo_costs':    2
         'quick_restart':  271
   'quick_restart_no_lp':   65
         'reduced_costs':    9

Clauses shared            Num
                 'core':  200
           'default_lp':   10
                'no_lp':   25
        'quick_restart':    1
  'quick_restart_no_lp':  102

CpSolverResponse summary:
status: OPTIMAL
objective: 551
best_bound: 551
integers: 1348
booleans: 1255
conflicts: 84
branches: 2422
propagations: 92129
integer_propagations: 81230
restarts: 2422
lp_iterations: 94
walltime: 0.135173
usertime: 0.135173
deterministic_time: 0.421991
gap_integral: 0.322107
solution_fingerprint: 0x9d0e69acfb4c19b3

status OPTIMAL
sol = [i for (v, i) in sorted([(solver.Value(u[i]), i) for i in u])]
if status == cp_model.OPTIMAL:
    print('Optimal Value:', solver.ObjectiveValue())
Optimal Value: 551.0
import networkx as nx
G = nx.Graph()
for idx, i in enumerate(sol[:-1]):
    G.add_edge(i, sol[idx + 1])
pos = {i: (x_[i-1], y_[i-1]) for i in range(1,n+1)}
nx.draw(G, pos=pos, node_size=1000 / n + 10, with_labels=False, node_color="blue");